We had lots of countdowns getting ready to leave our home and life in the Bay Area and go cruising. Excitement and some healthy apprehension is building as
1 week from today we, and over 140 other boats, are leaving on the Baja Ha Ha from San Diego to Cabo
www.baja-haha.com. The planned rally, not a race, is a distance of 750 miles, and includes two stops, Turtle Bay, and Bahia Santa Maria along the way. The stops will allow a bit of rest and fun. We will have two intrepid crew members, Dan and Bert, joining us. On Thursday, Dan joins us from Sausalito B Dock and Chico; Bert Novak, Rob's father, will come on Saturday. From the Galley, here is our main meal list for our 9 or 10 days together. I've done some cooking in advance, so that we can minimize the amount of time spent down below while we're underway. It's more fun to fish anyway. We hope to replace many of these meals with fresh tuna or other seafood that we've caught.
Buen Provecho!!
Bow Tie Chicken & Peas Pasta with Broccoli Salad
- Meat and Spinach Lasagna and Green Salad
- Maple Glazed Baked Chicken with Sweet potatoes & Onions with Green Pea Salad
- On Land: Vera Cruz Restaurant, Turtle Bay - Mexico
- On Land: BBQ on Boat - Chicken & Vegie Kebobs, Rice side
- Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas with Black Beans side
- Taco Chile Bowls with Brown Rice and Chips
- On Land: BBQ Steaks, Baked Red Potatoes and Green Salad
- On Land: Baked or BBQ Pork Chops and Applesauce
- Homemade Meatloaf with Stuffing
Pasta Pasta |
Favorite Cupcakes from Santa Cruz (off Menu) |
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Future Sashimi Meal from Shindig Fishing |
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