Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mas Mazatlan, Por Favor

Our passage north to Mazatlan was uneventful.  We left Punta de Mita anchorage at 8AM and arrived in Mazatlan 25 hours later.  We motored mostly, with a little main sail up to stabilize Shindig.  Our watch schedules started at night, and Nancy's was 9pm - midnight; Rob midnight - 3am; Nancy 3am - 6am; and then timing the approach to Mazatlan, Rob on again.   What a nice surprise for Nancy to "wake up" at 4am and find an extra hour of sleep had been granted.  Thank you Rob!

Sea Turtle along the way 
Sunrise near Mazatlan
We motored into the Marina Mazatlan, a new location for us, past El Cid Resort Marina.  To our surprise, we were assigned a slip right next to friends Lyn and Rich on SV Fellowship.  After they helped us tie up, we were invited on a Gelato afternoon outing.   So off we went, to Old Mazatlan, via the local bus, with about 8 others.  The bus route curves down onto the beach side malecon area, and gives you a wonderful view of the seaside town, before heading inland to the heart of the city.

After gelato, we took our sleep deprived adrenalin, and made the most of it. Did some banking errands, made appointments at Tippy Toes, a favorite and very worthwhile establishment.  Click on this link to learn more about how Deborah has created a place for young woman at risk to learn a good vocation, and give back to the community.  She did this in the Middle East, and has created a similar opportunity in Mazatlan.

We relaxed with live music at Macaws, and discovered a new place, "Delirium Tacos" for dinner.  A nice open air ride back along the balmy seaside coast to the Marina finished our first day and night in Mazatlan.

Mazatlan's Golden Zone

Gelato outing in Old Mazatlan
Rob enjoys his pedicure with custom decorations at Tippy Toes salon
After just four days in Mazatlan, we have decided to leverage the narrow weather window, and are planning departure across to La Paz.  We are hoping for a similar type of passage, 240 nautical miles this time, with one full overnight, and planned arrival by midnight the next night.  A late minute addition of crew member, Mark, who needs a quick ride over to La Paz, will make this passage more enjoyable. That means more sleep?!

Another round of  "Hola y Adios", as we said hello and goodbye to the friendly cruising community in Mazatlan.

First time Karoake: Nancy and friend rock out to Journey 

Gourmet roast chicken, stuffing, potatoes and vegies aboard SV Tortue, Mike and Melissa 
Estaba Delicioso!!!
Last minute shopping Monday in Mazatlan.  Nancy took the bus successfully from the Marina down the coastline, before turning left into Centro area.  By then, she had asked the driver to stop at the Mercado de Camarones.  This shrimp market is a block long of mostly ladies sitting under tents with coolers of shrimp of various sizes.   After a stop at the Mercado Centro, where she picked up some nice vegies and fruit, she made her way to the shrimp ladies for some bargaining.

With a backpack full of groceries, she returned to the marina via bus.  Mission Accomplished.

Beautiful produce at the Mercado Centro

Buckets of shrimp, with blocks of ice, waiting to be purchased

This woman is peeling and cleaning our 2 kilos of shrimp 

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